What was an idea in August quickly came together to what you see here today, with Alan involved every step of the way. Alan’s first task as his company’s CSO (Chief Soap Officer) was to decide on a logo. A friend of almost 20 years, designing CPG packaging for almost as long came up with four different logo designs for Alan to chose from. He chose what you see because it was “the fanciest”. And when it came to the boxes it was important that the design included bubbles “because it’s soap”.
When it came to developing fragrances, we started with a few of Alan’s favorite scents pairing them with other scents for his own unique balance of fragrance notes. If you ask him any more than than that he’ll shrug his shoulders saying, “trade secret”. Developing and producing Alan’s unique blends of natural fragrance oils was one of the longer processes of this journey so far; the reasons can be found in every bar.
Alan’s soaps are imprinted by hand. He couldn’t wait to try out his first stamp and die, so our manufacturer sent him a box of fresh soap to practice with while we waited for his fragrances to be blended and soaps to be made.
After bringing it all together we were on track to have soap ready for sale and to ship before Christmas – and then our 3-day priority perishable shipment of two pallets holding almost two tons of soap was lost for a week by a well-known carrier that rhymes FredRex.
Well, we ended up finally getting our soap, and when it was brought from his big brother’s warehouse, Alan was there to inspect for damage. The soap was a week outside our processing window by the time we got it, but we discovered a way to extend our processing time and we’ll take that as a win.